Sunday, September 12, 2021

Rain-Drenched Autocracy

​In the recess between rains,
when there is dew,
the ones that lack the 
honesty of the droplets 
who unabashedly drench us,
and drown us in
their version of love.
Hard love,
slippery love;
and, over the course of
a torrential exuberance,
some cold love...

like the railings
of my balcony door,
the metallic reality in it
I tasted this day,
using its truth to
numb the index finger,
the one I use to point
at life, at others,
at misgivings and notions;
at my fallacies,
at those dusty books even...

words flood their pages,
like how Delhi was this evening:
In shallow water,
but largely out of its depth,
it reeled... 
When it should've scripted songs,
and then harvested
the fruits of poetry,
the vague, distant yield, 
an honest free will
amidst autocracy.

-- Leslie

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

The Home

These strands I strum,
six strings from the fabric
woven with notes
that would, some day, make 
the symphony I'm yet to compose, grow;
a poem I am yet to write, sing;
the brew I am yet to drink, read;
yet to... yet to....

It stretches from my seat,
where I rest 
breathing heavily,
perhaps sighing,
with my back to the wall,
no, it's a pillar.
It ends on the ideology
that makes you a teacher now.

Strung and tuned, softly, 
it is ready for music;
the songs are stubborn, still;
and lightning throws a tantrum, again!
Then, in my peripheral vision 
the respite arrives, holds me firm,
the rain-kissed canopy in green,
and a life-drenched heart in red. 

-- Leslie 

Friday, September 03, 2021

Seek n Hide

In my actual space I, 
carrying a flashlight, virtually,
stumble in darkness,
feel the edge of a work desk
for direction,
cut my hand on its
chiseled existence,
and call it poetry and justice.

It must be the apocalypse,
for it remains hidden,
the desk,
its writing instruments,
and its intent...
But, in time, maybe tomorrow,
when it starts to rain,
I may author the Bible.

I seek a virtue amongst
the long shadows on my desk, 
the sarcastic ink bottle
I hardly use,
and within the pile of
forgotten music notes,
I search for songs and sin
to find light, write the Psalms.

-- Leslie