Thursday, June 17, 2021

Isle of Dreams

Is there anyone here
who could let me in?

I stand as an outsider,
in the rain,
despite years of toil
to get accepted into
the various dreams I weaved,
saving some as songs,
many more as visions of grandeur,
and nightmares to bore my soul.

They let me breathe in my sleep​.​
​The deep sighs
whistle through the stale air
over my bed,
like the breeze at a beach
carrying the salt ​of my existence
to an isle afar​ where
proud n loud neon billboards​ scream​.

Free entry for all, they say,
but caution: Kids at play!

-- Leslie Xavier

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Light Banter With The Bulb

In between a siesta
and a night slated for grammar,
I find a canyon
to banish the scripted emails
as punishment.
Many remain in obscurity there,
others return after sunset,
and remind the dwellers
of Nazareth,
words are immortal.

The subject lines who made it,
and ​the woefully inadequate boy,
dance on a wooden stage,
the rickety scaffolding,
creaking under the 
weight of expectation.

It is night now,
the light bulb says mockingly,
singing ​a ​glowing tribute to normalcy,
but ​a ​long shadow lurks
just beyond his narrow mind,
bolted like my front door.
It keeps the couriers out,
food slips in; 
thoughts and vision hardly do,
the essential commodities, desolately so.

-- Leslie Xavier

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

​A ​Fever​. The​ Fervour!

The still air,
hot, dry and dejected,
reminds​ ​of the fever last night.
Where​... when,​
in a mindless act of restlessness,
the citizen, a protagonist,
took an umbrella,
stood on the terrace,
and sang the rain song,
cried for childhood!

It was windless even then,
but the trees swayed,
a ​dance, ​a trance,
to the tune of
amendments made in haste,
in hatred,​ ​in ​​apathy​... 
Oh, the fervour​.
Fever it is​,
in ​the many shades​ of skin,​
​in the diverse ​layers of nationhood.

-- Leslie Xavier 

Thursday, June 03, 2021

The Fallen Champa Tree

I turned slyly away from 
a fallen friend,
the mellow red comrade 
whose philosophy I watered once.
She pleaded... Not guilty;
it was the storm.
I walked away, and now,
in the night it haunts me,
an eerie song.
I toss and turn.

Sprawled on her side,
helpless, bleeding perhaps,
while I rushed 
toward the unkempt side,
the place where I depart
from empathy,
and opt for a juggle,
a skip across time and space,
balancing the lefts and rights
of breathing a lie, living a truth.

A fairy tale rings the bell,
where a proud man
fell to his knees
and then the author helped
him become a fable
for little kids
to learn from.
Lesson One: Never walk away
when aspiration bites the dust.
But, oh but, I am in a perpetual fall.

The Epilogue

She stands tall again,
an arm missing
but the soul green, 
Have you seen the soul,
I prod my shadow
as he turns away again,
hiding his face,
fading into the anonymity
offered by a setting sun.

-- Leslie Xavier

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Stormy Lullaby

I could smell it all,
the dust, ashes and
the ghosts of Mehrauli...
This raging storm 
— the summer kind 
awakened 'em all tonight,
a li'l past midnight.
But all I sensed was the stench
from the rotten, sinful
human spirit yonder.
Oh, stop shuddering
my timid window, my heart,
this is but temporary...
Permanence is in the other
tempest, the face of reality;
the one that makes the wind
seem a better man than men.
It exudes love,
allows my wind chime to sing,
and my daughter to sleep.

-- Leslie Xavier