Wednesday, June 09, 2021

​A ​Fever​. The​ Fervour!

The still air,
hot, dry and dejected,
reminds​ ​of the fever last night.
Where​... when,​
in a mindless act of restlessness,
the citizen, a protagonist,
took an umbrella,
stood on the terrace,
and sang the rain song,
cried for childhood!

It was windless even then,
but the trees swayed,
a ​dance, ​a trance,
to the tune of
amendments made in haste,
in hatred,​ ​in ​​apathy​... 
Oh, the fervour​.
Fever it is​,
in ​the many shades​ of skin,​
​in the diverse ​layers of nationhood.

-- Leslie Xavier 

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