Thursday, June 03, 2021

The Fallen Champa Tree

I turned slyly away from 
a fallen friend,
the mellow red comrade 
whose philosophy I watered once.
She pleaded... Not guilty;
it was the storm.
I walked away, and now,
in the night it haunts me,
an eerie song.
I toss and turn.

Sprawled on her side,
helpless, bleeding perhaps,
while I rushed 
toward the unkempt side,
the place where I depart
from empathy,
and opt for a juggle,
a skip across time and space,
balancing the lefts and rights
of breathing a lie, living a truth.

A fairy tale rings the bell,
where a proud man
fell to his knees
and then the author helped
him become a fable
for little kids
to learn from.
Lesson One: Never walk away
when aspiration bites the dust.
But, oh but, I am in a perpetual fall.

The Epilogue

She stands tall again,
an arm missing
but the soul green, 
Have you seen the soul,
I prod my shadow
as he turns away again,
hiding his face,
fading into the anonymity
offered by a setting sun.

-- Leslie Xavier

1 comment:

Lohya's said...
