Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Whining River

In ​torrential ​spate 
it realised​ ​​the bunds,
​the boundaries​,​ 
were not ​set by its will.
​They belong to the contractor
who poured the concrete​, 
a quick mix, 
a quicker fix,​
​marked the limits,
killed ​its flow,
and tamed ​its will​,
bounty, reverence notwithstanding.​

Well, I'll be damned,
but aren't we all dam​m​ed!
​And, amidst the cacophony
of an eerily silent night,
we hear ourselves​
​whine like the winding river...

​-- Leslie​

1 comment:

Narry said...

You are brilliant bro keep going